Saturday, September 22, 2012

Latest News 最新訊息

Sep. 22nd, 2012.
2012 年 9 月 22 日。

After Party after Farewell Milonga will be at Tanguisimo.
惜別舞會後的 After Party 將在 Tanguisimo 舉行。

Updated Sep. 20th, 2012.
2012 年 9 月 20 日更新。

Ticketing status for Milongas and Shows:
Sep. 26th Warm-Up Milonga: 90% full
Sep. 27th Opening Milonga: 95% full
Sep. 28th Chinese Style Milonga: 96% full
Sep. 29th Grand Milonga: 94% full
Sep. 30th Farewell Milonga: 85% full
Oct. 1st Relaxing Milonga: 76% full

9/26(三)暖身舞會:已銷售 90%
9/27(四)開幕舞會:已銷售 95%
9/28(五)中國風舞會:已銷售 96%
9/29(六)阿根廷之夜:已銷售 94%
9/30(日)惜別舞會:已銷售 85%
10/1(一)放鬆舞會:已銷售 76%

Availability for Workshops:

* Tango Class 101 is full for tango dancers, but there are places reserved for totally beginners.「Tango 課程 101」不再收探戈舞者,惟保留部份名額給完全初學者。

* Workshops that are full for women:
208. "Combinations sacadas and boleos" by Seb & Rox
307. "Quality and cadence of the movement" by Jav & Vir
401. "Milonga: torsion and speed" by Seb & Rox
402. "Vals: linked movements" by Seb & Rox
403. "100% technique: axis, dissociation, posture, etc." by Rub & Sab
508. "Complex adornments for giro" by Rub & Sab

* Workshops that need more men:
203. "Puro Salon Style with its secrets" by Est & Cla
301. "Adornments: cleaning the work of the feet" by Rub & Sab
306. "Circular movements, ochos, boleos and ganchos" by Est & Cla
307. "Quality and cadence of the movement" by Jav & Vir
403. "100% technique: axis, dissociation, posture, etc." by Rub & Sab
404. "Simple combinations to show off" by Rub & Sab
501. "Musicality" by Jav & Vir
505. "Importance and use of embrace" by Seb & Rox

All Private Lessons are full.